Medinius Tech

Our Team

Austine Owino, CPA.
Founder & Managing Director
An experienced finance and management professional with a strong background in accounting, audit, and financial management. He holds a degree in Business Administration and is a member of The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK). As the Founder and Managing Director of Medinius, he has shown exceptional leadership skills and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Austine is highly skilled in identifying opportunities for financial performance improvement and has a proven track record of building and scaling successful businesses. With his expertise and focus on customer needs, Austine is committed to delivering exceptional value to customers while driving growth and success for the company.
Sammy Mwathi
Head of Fundraising & Partnership
His success is due to his ability to develop and implement strategic fundraising initiatives, and he will bring these skills to the Medinius founding team. He excels at identifying and cultivating partnerships with key stakeholders to create impactful programs that address social and economic challenges. Sammy is an expert at identifying and cultivating partnerships with key stakeholders, including donors, investors, and other funding entities, to create sustainable and impactful programs that address social and economic challenges. His exceptional skills in partnership management will be critical in helping Medinius to establish strong partnerships.
Elizabeth Wambita
Marketing and Administration Lead
As a Co-founder, Wambita has deep passion in technology and her unwavering dedication to creating positive change in society make her a truly remarkable co-founder. With her innovative ideas and boundless energy, Shantel has the potential to transform the way we live, work, and interact with each other. Her tireless commitment to driving progress and making a difference in people's lives is an inspiration to us all. It's an honour to have Shantel as a co-founder, and we're excited to see where her vision and passion will take us in the future.
Paul Otieno
Chief Technology Officer
Paul Otieno is a skilled Developer and a founding member of Medinius with experience in SEO, Next.js, REST APIs, JavaScript, TypeScript, and more. He has also worked as a Blockchain Technical Support Specialist, establishing the technical feasibility of Web3 projects and integrating blockchain technology into solutions. As a Sankore Academy Manager, he designed training curriculum for the local commun